%% DJVU_.readme.txt DJVU is by far the most compact file format for scanned mathematics. See http://djvu.org/ for viewers operating on nearly all recent computers and operating systems. ------------------------------------- Viewing on older Macintosh computers: For older Macs, under Macintosh Systems 8.x or 9.x, see: http://topo.math.u-psud.fr/~slc/djvu/ There one finds a so-called "plugin" to accompany versions 4.x of the Macintosh browser Netscape Navigator and hints for using it. Other versions of Netscape may not work well. One further note for these old Systems:- To view a DJVU format file it is most convenient to first change its Macintosh Type and Creator sequences to BiNA and MOSS respectively. This can be done on many files at once by pushing them onto the application icon named "T&C[=>BiNAMOSS]" (or onto any alias to it). This icon must remain with its companions in the folder "Mac_Type_and_Creator" that is available as an archive "Mac_Type_and_Creator.sit" at the same URL. When a DJVU format file with type and creator BiNA and MOSS is dropped onto the icon of Netscape Navigator 4.x, you will be offered a view of the DJVU file.